I didn’t think it was possible!

Roland Berg says he can help someone in a very short amount of time. I was skeptical because, as a hypnotist, I was taught that ‘one and done’ doesn’t work – that you have to regress to cause, and you have to do between 3 to 20 sessions with a client. So when I got the opportunity to take Roland’s class on Content Free Changework, I had to see what it was all about. In his class we got his system, his booklet, and the students got to work with each other. I thought, “This won’t work out in the real world.” OH BOY was I wrong! I had a booth at a little fair near where I live. A lady came up and had an issue, didn’t tell me what it was. After just 15 minsute of talking to her, the issue was gone… What? I have followed up with her 3 times since then and that issue…has never come back. Now I use it with every one of my clients. Roland’s Content Free Changework is amazing! If you ever get a chance to take his classes…DO IT… you won’t regret it!

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