Roland Berg
aka “The People Whisperer”
Master Hypnotist, Author, Speaker, Founder of Hypno mentors.com
Roland spent a year of his life doing nothing but hypnosis and mastering his skills; as a result, Roland has developed skills and understanding that go far beyond those of traditional hypnosis.
While others simply, mechanically, do hypnotism, what we have come to think of as “beyond hypnosis” is an integral part of who Roland is today.
A professional master hypnotist, Roland has been trained and certified by four of the most highly regarded instructors in the world: Igor Ledochowski (Professional Conversational Hypnotherapy, Conversational Hypnosis Mastery, Applied Conversational Hypnosis, Ericksonian Story Telling, Hypnosis Mastermind Group), the late Jeffrey Stephens (Authoritarian, or Direct, Hypnosis, Street Hypnosis), David Quigley (Somatic Healing™), and Justin Tranz (Stage Hypnosis)
This combination of instructors and disciplines provides him with a comprehensive and diverse set of skills to assist you in unlocking your mind and resolving any issue that you need to address.